Drawing by Joelie: Picture of Grandma is what she says it is...
This weekend was a busy one...Thursday Joelie was not feeling that great so she didn't go to school and instead went to the farm with her daddy. She said on the way up, she would like a teeter totter and a trampoline. So he decided to make her first wish, as she was playing on it, she said daddy when are you going to start the trampoline??? Spoiled rotten is all I can say!! Needless to say, that is why there is a picture of them on their new teeter totter! Friday was hair day, I feel much better! And Friday evening my aunts Jeanne and Judy came into town to visit (w/o Natalie:-() We went to Inca for dinner - Yummy! Saturday was soccer in the morning and then we were in charge of baby Myli for the afternoon and evening while her parents were in her uncle Tanner's wedding! It was so fun to snuggle her (but I forgot my camera, so no pics). Then Saturday night was a Michel family dinner at Round Table, then off to Doxa to watch Jeremy play drums...what a busy day! Sunday was a little quieter and restful. Hope you all had a great weekend too!